rceapp package

Module contents

exception rceapp.RCEAppDefaultError(cfg, value)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This is a self-defined exception such that I can output a useful error message which says that at least one version of an app should have the default set to True

Variables: cfg: path to the RCEApp YML configuration value: KeyError exception object

exception rceapp.RCEAppGlobalCpuError(cfg, value)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This is a self-defined exception such that I can output a useful error message which says that a default stanza in the provided YML is missing a default cpu assignment.

Variables: cfg: path to the RCEApp YML configuration value: KeyError exception object

exception rceapp.RCEAppGlobalError(cfg, value)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This is a self-defined exception such that I can output a useful error message which says that a stanza in the YAML is missing the default value heading.

Variables: cfg: path to the RCEApp YML configuration value: KeyError exception object

exception rceapp.RCEAppGlobalMemoryError(cfg, value)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This is a self-defined exception such that I can output a useful error message which says that a default stanza in the provided YML is missing a default memory assignment.

Variables: cfg: path to the RCEApp YML configuration value: KeyError exception object

exception rceapp.RCEAppIntError(cfg, value)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This is a self-defined exception such that I can output a useful error message which notifies you if you accidentially used non-integer characters in the memory field.

Variables: cfg: path to the RCEApp YML configuration value: KeyError exception object

class rceapp.rceapp(cfg)[source]

This is the rceapp class which manipulates an RCEApp YAML

Variables: cfg = path to RCEApp YML configuration

app_version_exists(app, version=None)[source]

apps() returns the keys of the data loaded from the yaml

args(app, version=None)[source]

args() returns a string of arguments for an given application’s version.

command(app, version=None)[source]

command() returns the full path of an application given its version and application name as arguments.

cpu(app, version=None)[source]

cpu() returns the default CPU count requirement of an application’s specified version. If a cpu default is not specified for that particular version, it grabs the default memory from the default stanza for that app.

icon(app, version=None)[source]

icon() returns the icon path for an application. If no icon, return none.

is_default(app, version)[source]

Returns True if app,version is the default version for the app.

memory(app, version=None)[source]

memory() returns the default memory requirements of an application’s specified version. If a memory default is not specified for that particular version, it grabs the default memory from the default stanza for that app.

supports_adjustable(app, label)[source]

versions() returns all the versions listed for an app, specified by the app argument, in an array.