RCECloud: Task Report

Task Start End Duration Completed Dependencies Total Cost Assigned Planned Start Start Variance Constraint Start Planned End End Variance Constraint End
0) RCECloud 4/25/16, 8:15 AM 11/1/17, 5:00 PM 79w 2d 7.75h 62%
1) Offload unwanted or time-consuming services/responsibilities. 4/25/16, 8:15 AM 3/1/17, 5:00 PM 44w 2d 7.75h 76% 4/25/16, 8:15 AM
1.1) Decommission old/unused hardware. 5/10/16, 8:45 AM 8/11/16, 8:45 AM 13w 2d 100% 5/10/16, 8:45 AM
1.2) Automate patching procedure 5/4/16, 8:00 AM 5/10/16, 5:00 PM 1w 100% Evan 5/4/16, 8:00 AM
1.3) Migrate CGA hardware out of data center 5/4/16, 8:00 AM 3/1/17, 5:00 PM 43w 1d 70% 5/4/16, 8:00 AM
1.4) Migrate/remove Redmine 4/25/16, 8:15 AM 4/25/16, 10:15 AM 2h 100%
1.5) Migrate RT to secondary provider or utilize RT engineers to upgrade our installation. Investigate providers. 7/29/16, 4:45 PM 12/30/16, 5:00 PM 22w 0.25h 82%
1.5.1) Research which provider or hosted solution is best. 7/29/16, 4:45 PM 8/5/16, 4:45 PM 1w 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
1.5.2) Work with provider to upgrade and maintain RT installation. 8/5/16, 4:45 PM 12/30/16, 5:00 PM 21w 0.25h 80% 1.5.1 Evan 8/5/16, 4:15 PM
1.5.3) Make an inventory of all of our ‘RT’ scrips and discard those which are no longer necessary for migration. 7/29/16, 4:45 PM 8/5/16, 4:45 PM 1w 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
1.6) Migrate tape backup archive to BackBlaze. 4/28/16, 8:00 AM 12/16/16, 5:00 PM 33w 2d 100% 4/25/16, 11:30 AM
1.6.1) Get BackBlaze certified with OGC/HUIT 7/29/16, 4:45 PM 8/1/16, 4:45 PM 1d 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
1.6.2) Buy and install host which performs backups 8/1/16, 8:00 AM 8/1/16, 5:00 PM 1d 100% Sarah 8/1/16, 8:00 AM
1.6.3) Work with BackBlaze to find the most efficient way of pushing this data 4/28/16, 8:00 AM 4/28/16, 5:00 PM 1d 100% Evan 4/28/16, 8:00 AM
1.6.4) Use HashBackup 8/1/16, 8:00 AM 8/8/16, 8:15 AM 1w 0.25h 100% Evan 8/1/16, 8:00 AM
1.6.5) Measure performance and reliability of process; backup data to tapes and BackBlaze 8/8/16, 8:15 AM 8/15/16, 8:15 AM 1w 100% 1.6.4 Evan 5/2/16, 11:00 AM
1.6.6) Find out what we need to backup, and when 8/1/16, 8:00 AM 8/1/16, 5:00 PM 1d 100% Sarah 8/1/16, 8:00 AM
1.6.7) Re-write documentation on backing up user, project data, and restoration to conform to BackBlaze backup system. 11/21/16, 8:00 AM 12/16/16, 5:00 PM 4w 100% Evan 11/20/16, 8:00 AM
1.7) Migrate all web services, except ShinyServer, to Heroku, including DVN. 4/25/16, 8:15 AM 3/1/17, 5:00 PM 44w 2d 7.75h 72%
1.7.1) Migrate and decommission Jenkins, reuse. 7/29/16, 4:45 PM 8/5/16, 4:45 PM 1w 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
1.7.2) Work with Salesforce/Heroku to build an HMDC Heroku Enterprise contract 7/29/16, 4:45 PM 8/5/16, 4:45 PM 1w 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
1.7.3) Create a basic-enterprise HMDC Heroku account with some limits. 8/1/16, 8:00 AM 8/1/16, 5:00 PM 1d 100% Evan 8/1/16, 8:00 AM
1.7.4) Give Raman access to a basic Heroku account and ask him to deploy Dataverse Network to its and its components. 7/29/16, 4:30 PM 8/2/16, 4:30 PM 2d 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:30 PM
1.7.5) Certify Heroku with OGC 5/4/16, 8:00 AM 5/4/16, 5:00 PM 1d 100% Evan 5/4/16, 8:00 AM
1.7.6) Create a Heroku account and deploy Latanya’s PHP application to it. 7/29/16, 4:45 PM 8/5/16, 4:45 PM 1w 100% If successful, work with Latanya to migrate one of her websites entirely to Heroku to test the viability of this environment. 7/29/16, 4:45 PM 8/5/16, 4:45 PM 1w 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
1.7.7) Work with Heroku to determine enterprise pricing for the amount of web sites we host. 7/29/16, 4:30 PM 8/3/16, 4:30 PM 3d 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:30 PM
1.7.8) Determine the best method to migrate our users permissions to Heroku: How much CPU time should they get? How much memory should they get? Should they be allowed to provision as many websites as they want, etc. 7/29/16, 4:30 PM 8/5/16, 4:30 PM 1w 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:30 PM
1.7.9) Determine the best method for file storage on Heroku — using an S3 bucket, connecting to our local NetApp, etc. 7/29/16, 4:30 PM 8/5/16, 4:30 PM 1w 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:30 PM
1.7.10) Work with Gary and Cris to decide how much support we provide for users in the Heroku environment: Do we help them setup GitHub repositories? Do we help them with basic PHP programming fundamentals, permissions? 7/29/16, 4:30 PM 8/3/16, 4:30 PM 3d 100% Brad 7/29/16, 4:30 PM
1.7.11) Migrate all sites to Heroku. Provide a deadline. 4/25/16, 8:15 AM 3/1/17, 8:15 AM 44w 2d 75% Evan
1.7.12) Ask DVN to migrate their entire toolchain to the Cloud. Provide a deadline. 8/1/16, 8:00 AM 3/1/17, 5:00 PM 30w 3d 60% Evan 8/1/16, 8:00 AM
2) Work with Microsoft to build RCE-in-Azure launching pad 4/27/16, 8:00 AM 12/6/16, 9:45 AM 31w 4d 1.75h 100% Evan 4/27/16, 8:00 AM
3) AWS/AZURE/Cloud migration preparations complete 3/1/17, 5:00 PM 3/1/17, 5:00 PM 100% 1, 2 12/12/16, 2:00 PM
4) Test RCE/Azure PoC with a small user-base 1/2/17, 8:00 AM 1/13/17, 5:00 PM 2w 0% 1/1/17, 8:00 AM
5) Re-design authentication/authorization 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 5:00 PM 1d 7% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
5.1) Create a small web app — my.hmdc — to sync accounts. 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 5:00 PM 1d 28% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
5.2) Work with Harvard IAM to develop security procedures around LDAP re-writes. 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 5:00 PM 1d 0% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
5.3) Develop re-write engine to sync Harvard Key and local LDAP accounts. 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 5:00 PM 1d 0% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
5.4) Re-write documentation wrt. account creation and meet with Soner’s team. 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 5:00 PM 1d 0% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
6) Authentication re-design completed 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 0% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
7) Re-design RCE/Azure to support multi-cloud submission 1/16/17, 8:00 AM 8/1/17, 5:00 PM 28w 2d 10% 4 1/1/17, 8:00 AM
7.1) Use docker containers for applications rather than stored images, export with XPRA. 1/16/17, 8:00 AM 2/16/17, 5:00 PM 4w 4d 6% Evan 12/12/16, 8:00 AM
7.2) Install Rancher environment to Clouds 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 5:00 PM 1d 0% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
7.3) Install Kubernetes environment to Clouds 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 5:00 PM 1d 0% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
7.4) Integrate Harvard Open Nebula 5/22/17, 8:00 AM 5/22/17, 5:00 PM 1d 0% 5/22/17, 8:00 AM
7.5) Build REDIS queue and worker to distribute tasks to multiple clouds 2/16/17, 8:00 AM 3/16/17, 5:00 PM 4w 1d 0% Evan 2/16/17, 8:00 AM
7.6) Build docker images for HTCondor negotiator, collector, and schedd for AWS with redundancy 2/16/17, 8:00 AM 3/16/17, 5:00 PM 4w 1d 0% Evan 2/16/17, 8:00 AM
7.7) Redesign RCE/Azure application to submit jobs to redis queue and manage jobs through the redis queue and associated workers 3/16/17, 8:00 AM 4/14/17, 3:00 PM 4w 1d 6h 100% Evan 3/16/17, 8:00 AM
7.8) Scale NodeJS web service appropriately using npm-cluster/multiple workers 5/16/17, 8:00 AM 6/16/17, 5:00 PM 4w 4d 0% Evan 5/16/17, 8:00 AM
7.9) Implement tests for NodeJS code 6/16/17, 8:00 AM 7/14/17, 5:00 PM 4w 1d 0% Evan 6/16/17, 8:00 AM
7.10) Use Terraform to create abstract cloud configurations for AWS, Azure, Google 1/16/17, 8:00 AM 3/16/17, 5:00 PM 8w 4d 0% Evan 12/12/16, 8:00 AM
7.11) Auto-build and test docker images 3/16/17, 8:00 AM 4/14/17, 5:00 PM 4w 2d 0% Evan 3/16/17, 8:00 AM
7.12) Implement monitoring for RCE Cloud 6/16/17, 8:00 AM 8/1/17, 5:00 PM 6w 3d 10% Evan 6/16/17, 8:00 AM
7.13) Allow mounting of home directories - CI3/CI4 to Azure and CI3/CI4 to Amazon 5/1/17, 8:00 AM 6/1/17, 5:00 PM 4w 4d 0% Evan 5/1/17, 8:00 AM
8) SID public beta release 8/1/17, 5:00 PM 8/1/17, 5:00 PM 0% 4, 7 8/1/17, 5:00 PM
9) Resolve any outstanding bugs acquired from BETA release 8/2/17, 8:00 AM 9/29/17, 5:00 PM 8w 3d 0% 8 12/12/16, 8:00 AM
10) Begin to migrate users to RCE Cloud 10/2/17, 8:00 AM 11/1/17, 5:00 PM 4w 3d 0% 9 10/1/17, 8:00 AM
11) Migrate most services to Cloud 3/2/17, 8:00 AM 3/8/17, 5:00 PM 1w 76% 3 5/2/16, 8:00 AM
11.1) Slowly de-commission execute nodes, sell or move to recycling. 3/2/17, 8:00 AM 3/8/17, 5:00 PM 1w 100% Sarah 7/29/16, 4:30 PM
11.2) De-commission RCE Login nodes, sell or cycle, migrate licenses to Cloud. 3/2/17, 8:00 AM 3/8/17, 5:00 PM 1w 0% Sarah 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
11.3) With all web apps migrated to Heroku, turn off and recycle www-* hosts. 3/2/17, 8:00 AM 3/8/17, 5:00 PM 1w 100% Sarah 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
11.4) Migrate pertinent fs-4 tasks to another host, turn off and recycle fs-4. 3/2/17, 8:00 AM 3/8/17, 5:00 PM 1w 100% Evan 7/29/16, 4:45 PM
11.5) With RT migrated to cloud provider, turn off RT and recycle. 3/2/17, 8:00 AM 3/2/17, 5:00 PM 1d 100% Sarah 7/29/16, 4:45 PM

Exported 5/22/17